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Monday, August 4, 2008

20 yr old doubting benefits of SIP

One boarder by name Money Boy wrote :: ""hi im 20 i have been reading about the benfits of sip so i started an sip of Rs 2000 p.m it been 8 mnths it is giving me negative returns so will i be rich if i invest for 10 years?""


Dear money boy,
Just 8 months into investments and already complaining. This is a boring work, money boy, this sip business.
Keep investing and stay invested, is the mantra for becoming rich.
Your investment horizon of 10 years should definitely work in your favour. And you are only 20 now, so why worry?

Of course, it would have been better if you had given the funds you have invested in, for me to give you a more clear answer.
Either way, I would say, you should not be losing any money if your investment horizon is 10 years.
Visit goodfundadvisor dot blogspot dot com for learning about investments in Mutual Funds.
Best of luck,

1 comment:

goodtraveladvisor said...

You should have given some funds for long term investments, Mr.Srikanth