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Monday, October 27, 2008

Markets Bottoming Out

My letter Published in Financial Chronicle on 27 October, 2008


Stock Markets are the best asset class to invest in but at the right time, in the right amount and in the right direction of the market. Investments in the markets are also a great learning experience, which should always be taken in the right spirit. Though the market still looks volatile, I think it is the right time to buy equities.
Peter Lynch, the famous Fidelity Fund manager, says the secret of getting rich in stocks is to do your homework and know what you are holding. Far from being scared, you should take this opportunity to get yourself some great stocks, which are available at dirt-cheap valuations.
Buy now, then sit back and enjoy your Diwali or whatever. Don't look at the stocks for next six months, whatever happens.
Srikanth Shankar Matrubai

1 comment:

prasanna said...

I do accept your comments