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Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Buying Opportunities Galore

I loved this message found in MMb. Read it;
In the last 4-5 years I do not think the markets have given such a buying oppourtunity. If there is a capitulation ahead today, Buy all fundamentally strong stocks without hesitation.
Markets will recover...Do not listen to scaremongerers, Do you think India is winding up??? yes there is doom and gloom ahead but the markets will recover. Invest what you can hold for a year or so and you will see double to triple digit gains over a 2 year period.

Buffet also made a paper loss on his first investment but finally made money when he sold which went on to give 4 times more returns had he held on..which is when he learnt to hold for the long term...
Look at the past the US came out of the great depression as well. The markets recovered long before the economy did.

Is reliance closing down?? then why the closing down sale on its stock price?? The reason is that sensex/index based scrips have FII holding who may be selling for cash flow reasons, as well as hedge funds selling to take advantage of the fera in the market.

I believe in a simple theory When the panwalla(no offence he may e richer and cleverer than you and me) asks you "saab kya share leneka?" is the time to sell and when everybody says sell the world is coming to an end is the right time to BUY!!

In the short term you may lose money on paper but when it recovers your paper loses disappear soonner than you can blink your eye!!!

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