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Tuesday, February 17, 2009


This letter written by me was published in Outlook Money Magazine.

In the 9 April 2008 issue of the Outlook Money magazine, the article "Why have NFOs lost their lustre"? made interesting reading. However I beg with the author with some issues. Avoiding all NFOs would not be a very wise thing to do. You have to invest in some NFOs which are exceptions to the existing schemes like DSPML World Gold Fund, etc especially if they are Close-ended funds because you may not be able to invest in the fund for another 3 years.
Also, the author says that some fund houses give even upto 8.5 percent commission to distributors. I myself being a distributor have never come any fund house giving even 5%!!!! He should be careful before writing such non factual informations.

Thanking you,
Srikanth Matrubai

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