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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

sip query

Hi Shri,

have a query.... you had mentioned that to go for 250*2 SIPs for Reliance growth.

my query...

for funds other than ELSS the first minimum purchase is 5000 and there inafter comes the sip of 500 or 1000....

pl let me know how to go for 250 sips without first minimum purchase..


September 9, 2008 4:16 AM

Blogger Sharesher said...

For sips, 5000 is not the Minimum purchase price. Reliance Mutual Fund and Lotus Mutual Fund allow sip of even 100 per month.
And for your information, Some Fund Houses like Sbi allow 1000 as Minimum Purchase price and Even Reliance in its Reliance Regular Savings Fund has only 500 as Minimum Investment amount.
Srikanth Shankar Matrubai

September 10, 2008 12:36 AM


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